
Platform Updates - January 2022

Jonathan Bass
November 16, 2023

New product enhancements, features, and updates from Urban SDK in January 2022.

January was a busy month for the Urban SDK Product Team. From the rollout of our new data-as-a-service Data Hub to dynamic legends on maps, 2022 has gotten off to a hot start for our customers.

Here are the major product updates from the past month:

Data Hub

Now you can build your own datasets and download data on demand inside Urban SDK's platform with Data Hub.

We created Data Hub to give you easier access to granular data. A better way for transportation, real estate, urban planning, and other professionals to make smarter decisions.

It's as easy as searching and downloading your very own managed big data.

More on Data Hub here.

Travel Time, Speed and Congestion Data

Now in Data Hub you can access speed, travel time and congestion data.

Get daily roadway speed and travel time in 15 minute, hour, and daily averages for all interstate, expressway, state and major county roads.

Some of the mobility data you can expect is:

  • Average speed - Passenger vehicles and truck travel speeds on roadways.
  • Travel Times - Average roadway travel times for road segment and route analysis.

If you don't find what you're looking for in Data Hub, contact our Sales Team. We can manually acquire just what you're looking for.


Insights is Urban SDK's enterprise platform of streaming data that enables customers to use verified data to analyze trends.

We have added new measures to the Insights portion of our platform.

Travel Time Reliability Added to Insights

You can now enjoy faster travel time reliability (TTR) reporting your Insights subscription. In order to measure TTR you must have an Insights license.

TTR will be available:

  • in 15-minute Intervals based on average travel time
  • On all roads across the country

Our team can also backfill dates, as needed, to fit your team's needs.

Reach out to our Sales Team to take a demonstration of Insights and see how this new TTR reporting can work for you.

Traffic Incident Management

Next gen traffic incident data management platform to increase roadway safety and travel times.

Predictive Heat Mapping for Fatal Crashes

Over 6 million reportable crashes occur every year in the United States and growing. To help authorities combat this, we’ve developed new tools for modern Traffic Incident Management to integrate connected vehicles, data and machine learning with the goal of improving safety and reduce clearance times at roadway crashes.

Urban SDK's Traffic Incident Management platform:

  • Transforms bad data for more accurate insights and reporting
  • Integrates multiple systems for one view of incident management
  • Leverages predictive analytics to identify and forecast hotspots by the hour from daily information, including weather, vehicle location, travel times, incident data and more
  • Automate performance measure reporting

Read more about how we created this traffic incident management solution, and how it's been used by Jacksonville Sheriff's Office.  


There's a new look for all your custom data visualizations in Studio.

Dynamic Legends

You can now create dynamic legends for maps in Studio and publish a customized legend to any report. This new enhancement will provide an added layer of clarity to custom maps and allow you to:

  • Set legend
  • Add units
  • Adjust scale colors
  • Save the legend

More on how you can use Studio.

Have enhancement requests? Drop us a note inside your portal or email us here.

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