Travel time & reliability data

Use Urban SDK's travel time data to understand speeds, volume, and bottle necks on all your local roadways.

Measure average travel times, planning time index, and travel time index by using hourly traffic speed data from vehicle telematic and GPS data sources.

Trusted by state and local governments

What's included in travel time and reliability data?

Get a daily index of connected vehicle data and automated traffic analysis for all roads

Traffic speed data is essential for traffic calming, travel time and delay, roadway level of stress, and safety studies.

Data points include:

  • Average Travel Time: Average travel time along a link during the selected time period.
  • Travel Time Index: Average vehicle speed along a link during low- volume periods.
  • Planning Time Index: Average speed of travel along a link during the selected time period.
  • Speed Categories: Posted and estimated speed limits.
  • Road Segmentation: Geocoded road characteristics and segment link identification.

Frequently asked questions:

We acquire data from vehicle telematics and connected vehicle sources aggregated by OEM manufacturers. Our data is the same as used by the FHWA The National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) Source.

We are happy to validate our dataset against ground truth or recent speed studies.

Urban SDK Insights traffic speed analytics provides you with a comprehensive speed reporting tool to analyze speeds on all roads in your county, municipal or custom boundary.

Users can access data by searching a location or road name in our Insights reporting tools for easy visualization, export to Urban SDK GIS Studio or download.

Urban SDK Insights accounts will have a minimum of 13 months historical data from the day a new account is created.

Urban SDK can provide historical backfills upon request.

our platform

Traffic management system of record

Platform Features

Our traffic management software delivers speeds and roadway characteristics on all your local roads. Use Urban SDK to quickly respond to public speeding complaints, prioritize street safety, and measure the effectiveness of traffic calming measures.

Learn more

Traffic Data

Access an index of connected vehicle and mobile device location data.

Automate Analysis

One-click road link analytics and trend analysis reporting of traffic conditions.

Import Files

Import and enrich your internal data to improve accuracy and expand insights.
map icon

Customize Routes

Create custom routes of specific lane segments to monitor High Crash Corridors and post-implementation.

Share Data & Reports

Export report charts and geocoded data files. Share links to any report you create.

Data Management

Consolidate all your traffic data. Upload crash data and other roadway data to layer into custom reports.

With Urban SDK, we have become more efficient.

They have allowed us to establish our priorities and figure out the best use of funding.

Jeff S., North Florida TPO
(5 / 5 Rating)
Download traffic data on any road anytime
Speed up data collection and supplement your hard counts with on-demand mobility data.
Traffic Speed Data

Traffic Speed

DowNload SaMPLE
Hourly traffic speed data and metrics from vehicle telematic and GPS data sources on all your roads.
85% Percentile
95% Percentile
Average Speed
Speed Limits
Traffic Volume Data

Traffic Volume

DowNload SaMPLE
Expand permanent traffic counts with vehicle telematic and GPS data sources to map annual traffic volumes estimates on local roads.
Segment Volumes
Annual Comparisons
Road Characteristics Data

Road Inventory

DowNload SaMPLE
Global TMC based linear referencing to geocode road characteristics and inventory to improve accuracy.
Lane Segments
Custom Routes
Speed Limits

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