A blue bus driving down a street next to a tall building

Empowering public transit with Geospatial AI.

Urban SDK provides public transit agencies with traffic data, analytics, and transit route planning tools for more efficient service.

Trusted by 200+ agencies across North America

A black background with a blue and green logo
The bakers field logo
Pinellas County
logo for jacksonville transportation authority (JTA)


More efficient, safer routes
powered by AI

Hourly traffic data, collision risk and analytics to help plan safer, less congested service.

AI & data for critical
public transit planning


Identify congestion & collision risk

Enable data-driven transit route planning and monitoring with AI powered analysis.

Geospatial DATA

Replace outdated, manual processes

Get hourly traffic data, roadway conditions on every road from a global connected network.


Align complaints with measurable actions

Collect and monitor public complaints from a centralized platform.


Mission critical information in one place

Integrate your local systems to calibrate decision making and after action reporting.


200+ cities in North
America are making
streets safer

We are realizing great time savings due to having the information "at our fingertips." We are not making nearly as many trips to the field to set up speed/volume tubes.

City of Camas, WA

City of Camas Public Works

We highly recommend Urban SDK to any city or municipality looking to enhance their traffic management capabilities. You're great people and I have enjoyed working with you immensely.

City of Sanford, FL

City of Sanford Public Works

The value lies in the analysis, reports, and data. Urban SDK's platform provides easy access to quick, reliable data that helps us make faster decisions. This allows us to focus our energy on the major long-term projects that require significant effort and brainpower.

City of McAllen, TX

City of McAllen Public Works

Urban SDK provides quick and easy access to speed and traffic counts data that is crucial for public agencies when answering to directly affected stakeholders.

City of El Cajon, CA

City of El Cajon

Urban SDK has a great support team and user-friendly software. The City of Fort Pierce knows the great benefits the SDK brings to the table.

City of Fort Pierce, FL

City of Fort Pierce Public Works

Now when citizens show up to see if there is a speeding problem on their residential roadway I am able to provide the information without keeping them waiting.

City of Chesapeake, VA

City of Chesapeake Public Works

This is a very quick and easy program to verify speed data throughout the community. Urban SDK allows us to confirm or deny the traffic speed complaints. It also allows our traffic officers to find the areas of higher speed to work on and comply with the posted speed limit.

City of Fate, TX

City Fate Department Of Public Safety

I really like how easy it is to see in a glance where the hotspots are. We have our patriot and traffic folks focus on a hotspot for the month to see if we can drive down the average and 85th percentile speeds ... [using] the software to identify problem areas and then focus enforcement and measure compliance.

City of Farmers Branch, TX

Farmers Branch Police Dept.

A black and white logo with a leafBaker's field the sound of spring parkThe pinellas county logoA black and white photo of a logoA black and white logo with a star

Modernize route planning with traffic data

Quickly visualize traffic conditions and safety risk on every route, every day.

See All Routes

Get daily hourly traffic conditions on every road.

Filter by Route or Address

Refine data by road name, type or specific address using the road class filters.

Filter by Time and Date

Compare current and historic traffic conditions by time of day, day of week, shift or verify complaints.

Traffic enforcement softwareTravel time delayTraffic congestion mapping
A screenshot of a computer screen with a keyboard and mouseA screenshot of a computer screen with a keyboard and mouseA screen shot of a calendar with the date of the month
Connected vehicle dataFind speeding in any city
A screenshot of a cell phone with a traffic speed limit screenA screenshot of a computer screen with a bar chart on it

Speeds, Volumes & Collision Risk

Data layers provide multiple metrics to compare speeds, volumes, collision index, and speed limits.

Uncover Issues Quickly

Select any road segment for a report or filter the entire city to uncover issues.

Empower transit route planning with traffic speeds

Identify congestion impacting your operations on any route in a matter of minutes.

Traffic speed data

47 MPH

Average Speed

Speed Limit
40 MPH

56 MPH

59 MPH

The average speed and speed of a car

Road Segment ID



San Francisco, California

Road Class

State Roads (class 3)


0.08078 miles

Road Name


Speed Limit

40 MPH

Speed Limit Source

Urban SDK

Data Layer

Traffic Speed

Gain access to traffic speed from connected vehicles on all your local roads.  Insights reports allow users to gauge roadways with average, percentile speeds, and filter by time period or date ranges.

Urban SDK provides precise hourly speed data to evaluate complaints and deploy resources efficiently for the greatest impact to public safety.

Urban SDK provides precise hourly speed data to evaluate complaints and deploy resources efficiently for the greatest impact to public safety.

Daily Traffic

Traffic speeds are reported hourly on all roads without any hardware.  

Road Network

Traffic speeds are associated with global linear referencing.

Customizable Analysis & Reporting

Filter traffic data to easily create custom reporting

  • Speeds
  • Speed Limit
  • Road Class
  • Segments
  • Jurisdiction
  • Time Period
  • Date Range
  • Day of Week
  • Custom Route
  • Custom Radius, Area, or Zone

Mitigate collision risk with road scoring

Identify and rank roads with the highest collision risk from an annual road score.

Crash mapping

0.57 (High)

Collision Index

Road Segment ID



San Francisco, California

Road Class

Local (class 5)


0.11744 miles

Road Name

Perry St

Speed Limit

30 MPH

Data Layer

Collision Index

Using an index of 5-year historical fatal crashes, traffic volumes, speeding, roadway  and neighborhood characteristics, officials can pinpoint hotspots across their entire roadway network.

Urban SDK provides precise hourly speed data to evaluate complaints and deploy resources efficiently for the greatest impact to public safety.

Urban SDK provides precise hourly speed data to evaluate complaints and deploy resources efficiently for the greatest impact to public safety.

Risk Score

The collision index creates a risk score value for each road segment ranging from 0 to 1

Dangerous Roads

Identify and monitor high collision corridors with bookmarks to alert traffic enforcement

Compare trends pre- and post- enforcement

Collision index models risk with collisions, traffic, and roadway design

  • Intersection widths
  • Sidewalks & facility widths
  • School Zones
  • Traffic Speed
  • Collisions
  • Signage

Get traffic volume on every road without hard counts

Daily and annual traffic volumes are available on every road. Counts are refreshed automatically.  

Collision risk map

1,500 vehicles

Volume (Annual Avg. Hourly Traffic)

24,500 vehicles

Volume (Annual Avg. Daily Traffic)

350,000 miles

Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT)

Road Segment ID



San Francisco, California

Road Class

Local (class 5)


0.06338 miles

Road Name

Pierce St

Speed Limit

30 MPH

Speed Limit Source

Urban SDK

Data Layer

Traffic Volume

Gain access to VMT and AADT on all your local roads with Urban SDK’s Traffic Volume Data.  See how many cars are traveling along your roadways, and quickly share what roads are operating at capacity.

Urban SDK provides precise hourly speed data to evaluate complaints and deploy resources efficiently for the greatest impact to public safety.

Urban SDK provides precise hourly speed data to evaluate complaints and deploy resources efficiently for the greatest impact to public safety.

Annual Average Daily Traffic

Annual average daily traffic (AADT) measures how much traffic uses a road or highway in a year.

Vehicle Miles Traveled

Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) measures the amount of travel for all vehicles over a segment.

Visualize congestion and travel times on every route

Improve service operations and on time performance with historical delay analysis.

A map of a city with a blue arrow on it


Travel Time Index

Avg. Travel Time
8 Minutes



A graph of travel time in the united states

Road Segment ID



Cuyahoga, Ohio

Road Class

Arterial (class 4)


0.0379 miles

Road Name

E 9th St

Speed Limit

30 MPH

Speed Limit Source

Urban SDK

Data Layer

Traffic Delay

See how congestion impacts specific routes, construction zones and any intersection with hourly with Travel Time, Travel Time Index and Planning Time on every road.

Urban SDK provides precise hourly speed data to evaluate complaints and deploy resources efficiently for the greatest impact to public safety.

Urban SDK provides precise hourly speed data to evaluate complaints and deploy resources efficiently for the greatest impact to public safety.

Travel Time

Three traffic delay layers quantify the impacts of congestion on travel time.  

Historical Data

Access 13 months of historical hourly congestion to compare events.

Automate surveys with satellite image collection

Survey your entire roadway system instantly with GIS detail of physical and operational elements.

Road characteristics surveys from satellites

Road Segment ID



San Francisco, California

Road Class

Local (class 5)


0.17523 miles

Road Name

Iowa St

Speed Limit

30 MPH

Vehilce Lanes


Road Width

82 ft

Street Parking


Sidewalk Width

5 ft

Bike Lane Width

6.5 ft

Boulevard Width

18 ft



Bike Facility


Bike Separation


Road Length

521 ft

Data Layer

Road Characteristics

Road Characteristics are collected from aerial imagery and processed by Urban SDK to quantify road geometry and attributes that represent the road's 3D design.

Urban SDK provides precise hourly speed data to evaluate complaints and deploy resources efficiently for the greatest impact to public safety.

Urban SDK provides precise hourly speed data to evaluate complaints and deploy resources efficiently for the greatest impact to public safety.

A green pixellated image of a person on a motorcycle

Sidewalk & Bike Lane

Automate collection of sidewalk and bike lane inventories for all roads.

A black and purple photo of a stop sign


Automate on-street parking inventory on all roads.

Automate & Supplement Survey Collection

Import your local survey data and merge with additional

  • Roadway Segmentation
  • Speed Limit
  • Road Classification
  • Segment Length
  • Road Width
  • Vehicle Lanes
  • Lane Width
  • Sidewalk
  • Sidewalk Width
  • Bike Lane
  • Bike Lane Width
  • Separation Width
  • On-Street Parking
  • Road Surface Type



View traffic data and analytics to replace manual data collection,
save your staff time, and overcome budget shortfall.

Traffic Volumes Map

Brighton, CO

Population: 42,000

Brighton is a home rule municipality city located in Adams and Weld counties, Colorado, United States.

Traffic Enforcement Map

Mansfield, TX

Population: 78,000

City of Mansfield, TX is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The city is located mostly in Tarrant County.

Pinellas County Traffic Map

Pinellas County, FL

Population: 960,000

Pinellas County is the most densely populated county in Florida, with 3,491 residents per square mile.


Simplify traffic data collection
for route planning

Urban SDK provides precise speed and volume data to evaluate complaints and deploy traffic calming resources to improve public safety.

Urban SDK provides precise speed and volume data to evaluate complaints and deploy traffic calming resources to improve public safety.

Hourly Traffic Data

Agencies can hourly traffic speed, volume, and travel time information on every route.

Historical Analysis

Compare current routes to perspective routes to assess historical travel times and collision risk.

Proactive Safety Measures

Empower your staff with collision index to score routes and stops by risk of collision.

Reporting and Communication

Automate PDF reports to provide officials and constituents with clear, reports to document progress.

Get 30 days of travel times, volume and collision risk on your routes.

A map of a city with red lines
A dark blue background with a white circle

Customer success across
hundreds of cities

See how geospatial ai is empowering proactive public safety in large and small communities.

Collision Index: Proactive Traffic Safety Powered by AI

Communities now have another layer of road safety thanks to Urban SDK’s Collision Index

Collision Index: Proactive Traffic Safety Powered by AI

Communities now have another layer of road safety thanks to Urban SDK’s Collision Index

Athens-Clarke County Enhances Traffic Calming Initiatives

The county joins a growing number of Georgia customers using Urban SDK's platform

Athens-Clarke County Enhances Traffic Calming Initiatives

The county joins a growing number of Georgia customers using Urban SDK's platform

Hendry County Uses Urban SDK to Enhance Traffic Safety

Hendry joins 50+ Florida organizations utilizing Urban SDK's platform

Hendry County Uses Urban SDK to Enhance Traffic Safety

Hendry joins 50+ Florida organizations utilizing Urban SDK's platform


Identify speeding and proactively enforce issues

See just how quick and easy it is to identify speeding, address complaints, and deploy officers.


Traffic Calming and Speeding Complaint Response Automation

Urban SDK Speed data