
Techstars Smart Mobility Accelerator Demo Day

Urban SDK
January 14, 2025

Join us for the first Techstars #SmartMobility #DemoDay in partnership with Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione CRT and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center!

On 27th Jan. we joined Techstars for 3 months at OGR - Officine Grandi Riparazioni in Turin, Italy. After 1500+ meetings with more than 125 mentors, Covid19 forced us to move the program online. Since then, we have met with mentors, partners and investors to continue to build our European presence. Techstars Smart Mobility accelerated UrbanSDK growth with opportuntities to work with top European mobility investors, mentors, companies, and the City of Turin, Italy.

We are excited to share an update on our company's progress and achievements in the last. quarter despite the difficult times. While we’ll did not have the opportunity to spend all three months in Italy, we’re excited to be able to share the demo day with these remarkable companies and viewers all over the world.

Join us and Techstars Thu, April 23, 2020 from 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM CEST

You can register now to meet all the companies of the Smart Mobility Accelerator as well as watch the UrbanSDK pitch.

If you have not participated in a demo day, itallows the class of companies to share their story through short entertaining pitches that highlight the diverse and scalable businesses they are building. UrbanSDK is one of ten hand picked companies from around the world including Italy, United States, Ukraine, Norway, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

The goal of Demo Day is to build awareness across investors and potential clients and showcase the companies’ achievements to the community. Please share this invitation with members of your network who will benefit from this event. We can’t wait to share our pitch video with you soon.

Thank you for supporting us and this year’s Techstars Smart Mobility class.

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