Traffic Calming

Leon Valley, Texas Partners with Urban SDK on Smart City Initiatives

City officials will use Urban SDK for traffic calming and post-implementation studies

City officials will use Urban SDK for traffic calming and post-implementation studies

Urban SDK Partners With Leon Valley

Leon Valley, Texas, is the latest municipality to adopt Urban SDK's advanced traffic management platform, becoming the 13th city in Texas to leverage the technology for traffic calming and post-implementation studies.

As the city embarks on a journey toward becoming a more data-driven, smart city, Urban SDK will play a crucial role in optimizing traffic safety and improving the efficiency of its ongoing transportation projects.

Located just northwest of San Antonio, Leon Valley is a vibrant community that is dedicated to enhancing its infrastructure and ensuring safe roads for residents and visitors.

The city's Public Works and Transportation teams are currently planning major construction on the main road into the city, and Urban SDK will provide accurate traffic speed data and traffic volumes to track progress, monitor safety, and assess the impact of construction on traffic flow.

Revolutionizing Traffic Calming in Leon Valley

By utilizing Urban SDK's traffic management platform, the city can now conduct speed studies in a more efficient and cost-effective manner, accessing critical data in real-time.

The platform’s ability to capture, analyze, and visualize traffic speed data and traffic volumes is instrumental in ensuring traffic enforcement efforts are targeted, data-driven, and impactful. With the ability to perform post-implementation studies following the construction of new roadways and traffic calming measures, the city will be better equipped to evaluate the success of its efforts and make any necessary adjustments.

Urban SDK’s platform also supports broader smart city initiatives by providing roadway data that can be used to inform city planning and optimize resource allocation.

A Data-Driven Approach to Traffic Safety

By adopting Urban SDK’s traffic management platform, Leon Valley can now streamline its traffic safety initiatives and make more informed decisions. This tool enables the city to easily access traffic speed data, identify hotspots for speeding, and monitor traffic volumes.

The data provided will help reduce the time and costs traditionally associated with traffic studies, allowing the city to be more proactive in its traffic enforcement strategies.

Urban SDK's Ross Loehr shared his thoughts on the partnership: “We are thrilled to partner with Leon Valley as they work toward becoming a more efficient, data-driven city. Urban SDK’s platform will not only help improve traffic safety but will also save the city time and resources as they move forward with their smart city initiatives. We look forward to seeing how our technology helps Leon Valley meet its goals.”

Empowering Leon Valley to Make Data-Driven Decisions

Urban SDK’s platform will allow Leon Valley officials to gain insights into traffic patterns, speeding hotspots, and the effects of construction, all of which are crucial for making well-informed decisions.

This level of data-driven insight will also contribute to Leon Valley’s goal of enhancing public safety and traffic enforcement, while also ensuring that the city’s roads are safer for all who use them.

About Urban SDK

Urban SDK is a leading provider of data analytics and traffic management solutions designed to help cities and municipalities enhance transportation planning, traffic safety, and smart city initiatives. With a focus on traffic speed data, traffic volumes, and traffic calming, Urban SDK’s platform empowers cities to make data-driven decisions that improve the quality of life for residents and visitors.

For more information on how Urban SDK can help transform your city’s traffic management efforts, visit Urban SDK.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Jonathan Bass
Director of Marketing
Urban SDK