Latest blog articles

See how public sector leaders succeed with Urban SDK.

The Hunt for More Affordable Data: A Conversation with TSI

An interview with Transportation Solutions about finding the most accurate and affordable transportation data on the market, and working with Urban SDK.

How Digital Twins are Evening the Playing Field in Engineering

By using digital twins, engineering firms can save time and money, while also becoming more efficient with their operations.

Digital Twins used in Urban Planning and Infrastructure

As cities continue amassing massive amounts of data, digital twins will become increasingly valuable in urban planning and infrastructure projects.

Digital Twins: Understanding Their Evolution and Importance

Modern digital twin technology has completely redefined workflows and collaboration across a number of industries.

EVs and the Future of Public Transit

Electric buses, electric trains, the trolley revival ... electric public transit options exist. However, before public transit can fully embrace the EV revolution some hurdles must be cleared.

Finding Balance Between a Connected World and Community Resilience

The war in Ukraine has illustrated how fragile a global economy is, underscoring the need for greater community resilience.

V2G, NEVI, and Planning for the EV Revolution

Vehicle-to-grid technology is one of many infrastructure planning challenges that will come as car producers shift to electric vehicles.

The Fascinating History of Electric Vehicles

The history of electric vehicles has a long tail, dating back to battery-powered cars at the turn of the 20th century.

Total Disruption: Autonomous Vehicles, Safety Regulations, and New Policy

The disruption caused by autonomous vehicles carries all the way to safety regulation.

Why the Autonomous Vehicle Revolution Is Driven by Public Transit

The autonomous vehicle revolution as we know it is deeply rooted in public transit, where it has proven itself most successful.

Using Data to Increase Transportation Equity

Using data to understand a region's transportation equity will eliminate inequity and provide an economic building block for communities.

Autonomous Vehicles: Ownership vs. Subscription Models

Autonomous vehicles are the way of the future, but the jury's still out as to whether their proliferation will be more in an ownership or subscription model.

Unveiling the Past: A Brief Autonomous Vehicles History

Discover the captivating autonomous vehicles' history from their early beginnings to the cutting-edge technology of today.

The Cost of Congestion

The cost of traffic congestion on society touches everything from the environment to mental health to our pocketbooks with the supply chain. Using verified data to analyze trends and causes can mitigate it.

Using Smart Technology to Rethink Jaywalking and Pedestrian Safety

New research and technology have state legislatures around the country reconsidering jaywalking laws.


Identify speeding and proactively enforce issues

See just how quick and easy it is to identify speeding, address complaints, and deploy officers.


Traffic Calming and Speeding Complaint Response Automation

Urban SDK Speed data